Why was the book so important to find?

Really what I was trying to do was back track in my thoughts where did I put the book? this is something I have to find so I pick up my dairy that I always write everything in and ponder through the pages only to see nothing what was my mind on to misplace that book? so here Iam standing out in the area of my home in the woods because I didn’t want anyone asking me questions about it my pass and my present is all inside of that book its more than a book it’s my lifeline to my future someone calling me on the cell oh well it will just have to wait because I really can’t lose my train of thought right now my goodness I have only been out here for one hour and somebody already trying to see what’s going on with me phone stops ringing only minutes there it goes again let me answer this thing (Hello) (Janet) where are you ? why who wants to know ? (Coast) and what does he want? he says he has something to talk to you about? well tell him if this is not no emergency, please come another time because I have something very important that I am doing right now so give him that message and tell him I will call him later in the week ok (Gina) will do don’t worry just keep on with your task yes because I must get to the bottom of this tonight or I really won’t be able to sleep at all come rain or shine I will find that book and then I will lock it up like I should have did before so this is my mess can’t blame no one just don’t want my business in the street and people knowing the real special power that I was born with only a few people know about this and I really want to keep it like that see my power was pass down from my (grandmother) skip my (mother) and was handed to me and this very day I can do things like cook for a hundred people in 10 minutes clean my house from top to bottom in few seconds it’s like my body become a (speed machine) and read books as fast as someone can talk speeds read through 200 books in 10 minutes so this have to kept top secret people will want me to do things for them and I know it, clean an office building with 5 floors in 30 minutes and have all the windows washed and floors polish so good you can see yourself so never do I want this information out it’s in the book how powerful I am and what all I can do I didn’t know I had a black belt until one day someone made me mad then I realized don’t hit them you could hurt that person bad wow what a gift my grandmother) told me don’t ever play with your powers or take them for granted they are real and could be dangerous so always be careful this is why? that book have to found so my secret of power stays this way just then while in my train of thought I remember something the book not lost I just forgot and was excited thinking that it might be lost I remember now I put in my lock box how silly me forgot now when I leave here and get back home that will be the first place I will look since Iam the only one with a key no worries, why was the book was so important to find?

woman with book in forest

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