Ladies Start Your Engines,

His friend (Harold came over and got loud on him and told (Ted) he was supposed to be back in an hour because they had something to do,

women sitting on a couch

We started talking about a little bit of this and a whole lot of that so (Nina) how did it go with your new man last night? let’s talk about somebody else first we know what that means (Joan) did you have to ask? yes inquiry minds want to know girl you don’t even want to know the man was not at all what he acted like first his so call car he had was not his when friend (Harold) came over and got loud on (Ted) and told him he was suppose be back in a hour because he had something to do after storming in the door I thought at first it was going to be a fight but so glad it wasn’t he said (Ted) don’t ever ask to borrow my car again? this is the third time you pull this on me then he left out the door as mad as he did when he came in didn’t even speak at all ,and that was just part of the mess up night I won’t even go into the other so (Barb) we know you had a good time with (big daddy) and where all did you all go that night? we went dancing and to dinner after and of course he took me over his nice cozy pad and turn on the music and the rest is history yes he is a real man something to remember as always we know you got it and so tell me (Lana) did you have a night on the oasis? like you said you were going to do with your so call play mate that you said would rock your world so girl what happened? he rocks me and my world all night long and let me tell you this he nobody toy this is the real thing from head to toe. We heard from everybody now what about you? (Olivia) well do I want to make you ladies have something to dream about tonight picture this his body was made like an arena so many place to go and he was a very nice firm man from the muscle in his arms to everywhere else imagine this every portion was size just right for your enjoyment and talk about a romantic he put you on that cloud that you want to stay on a natural high and with all the trimming if you know what I mean yes he is so well put together and I mean really we had that moment where we both wanted to go get in the hot tub and we carry on like two wild playmates that had never seen one another but I loved every minutes and so did he let me tell you this now that’s a man after that we went in by the fireplace and he had this body oil he want to try on me and wow! that’s all Iam going to say about that and let me say this ladies why every time we get together, we talk about men? Are your serious right now? you tell me (Nina) what else is there to talk about besides that ugly dress you brought two weeks ago and then everybody got a big laugh out of that and don’t forget about those so call shoes you thought would go good with the dress girl what were you drinking when you pick out that dress? more like who was you mad at? (Joan) I know you aint talking about my outfit what about the wild so call hairdo you wore in and made everybody fall on the floor laughing and they told you they ate something that didn’t agree with them, we all have had our times so who can really talk just kidding ladies are we good? everybody said almost the same time yes, we are.

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