Standing By are you kidding me ?

Ridge) replied this can’t be real and there has to be some kind of explanation for this brown pickup truck?

man in leather jacket

There it was something I had to see with my own eyes (Ridge) replied this can’t be real and there has to some kind of explanation for this brown pickup truck? and I know that truck look like my old one, this had not better be who I think it is? wait there is someone getting out the passenger side door he went around to open the door for who’s ever it was must have been a Lady let me clear my eyes again its (Ava) my lady what is she doing in the truck with this person? and it looks like (Apollo) not my best friend and my girl no way let’s see what’s next now they are going in the house and Iam supposed to be out of town so I told her just to see if what I had been hearing some talk(Apollo) for some reason I always caught him watching (Ava) at different times when we had get to together but right then I never thought anything of it but he always wanted to come over even when I told him today was a bad time I was tired from working at my place of business which I owned and my so called friend worked in my business so did my lady she took care of the books and (Apollo) was one of my floor mangers well one thing for sure this was not going to turn out good for neither one of them especially when I walk in my house in another 30 minutes they been in there for about one hour now I have something in my pocket and I know I better leave it there because it will ruin my life and right about know what I see neither one of them is worth it I treated (Apollo) like a brother gave him money when he need it let him stay in one of my houses rent free until he got on his feet sign my truck over to him because he didn’t have a ride and no credit to buy one all from the kindness of my heart as like I said treated him like a brother never would I Have thought in a million years he would do this to me well guess I better go in the door and find out how long I been a fool as I turn the key I hear voice of lots of people and it’s all coming from my basement so I go down lights out then I reach for the wall switch and pop the lights on now I feel like a fool all my buddies and their wives the counter had a big birthday cake on it for guess who ? everybody started singing and I felt like a complete fool but then I ask where is everybody cars ? (Ava) said (Mr. Nosey) we had been planning this for week this is why I was riding with (Apollo) see we knew you didn’t go out of town that when everybody said let’s do it surprise (Ridge) for his birthday, and that when I told everybody we can try to pull it off but it might look like something going with me and (Apollo) but we both knew this would never happened and I told everybody you all know how crazy this man gets when he mad so let’s be carefully especially after we all hide our cars and trucks in his other place of business on (Wafer Ave ) somewhere we hope he wouldn’t look and just so happened he didn’t then (Apollo) said we knew what you were going to be thinking? and he gave him the big birthday hug and hand shake that guys give he was so happy see you never know man don’t always think the worst because you are like my brother and you been too good to me now the music started to play and everybody grab the wives and (Ridge) held his arm open for his (Ava) and that’s was the best surprise party (Ridge) said he ever had in his life then (Ridge) look up and said thank you all mighty for not letting me take anything out of my pocket, wow that would have been the worst thing ever,

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