Camping out in an unknown area,

We decided to drive 200 hundred miles from home to be somewhere different, but we didn’t want to get too excited,

couple on vacation with rv

Thats was a big mistake we didn’t know where we were really didn’t know the area, we decided to drive 200 miles from home to be somewhere different, but we didn’t want to get too excited because this was unfamiliar territory and we wanted to walk around and see what’s in nearby area no one else was even park nearby and we wonder where was everybody? this was park area for rv so we decided to get out and walk before dark and see if we see anyone at all (Flagler) replied to me (Nataline) lets looks around and see if we can find someone out here with us well remember this was your bright idea to come 200 miles away from home let’s not get mad at one another for this lets just walk around before dark and see what’s going on so as we started on our journey we seen a building sitting far out, what’s that’s? its looks like a big old building of some kind but over there you can’t miss it the sign says no trespassing please now most people don’t add the words (please) on their sign that makes you curiosity and we don’t need no trouble (Flager) there you go (Nataline) getting all upset over nothing well you need to turn around and stay away from that building there is a light on look but you don’t see anyone walking around and I have a bad feeling about this (Flager) and you know most of the time Iam right so you just going to ignore me and go up there anyway ? why not? we can say we are outer town people and then what are you going to tell them? we can’t read because that sign is big enough to see far away you can’t miss it this is not good what are you doing just walking in ? well the door was unlocked and nobody around wait I hear a loud noise where is it coming from that room over to the left of us (Flager) lets go this place giving me the creeps don’t worry (Nataline) I won’t let anything happen to you stay behind me close and lets go up these stairs and see what up there? as we walk up the stairs they made all kinds of creepy sound that could wake up anyone but still no one came out well another close doors leading to somewhere so we open it and there was a passage way long and little dark now this is too much (Flager) what are we looking for in somebody place ?now we are walking down a long tunnel and don’t even know what we are getting into just as I turn around I scream who are you? there was two people with something cover over their heads and they said you two are trespassing why are you here? we were just walking as our camper on the side of the road we didn’t see anyone, so we wonder where everybody was? then one of them said to us never go where you see a sign that’s says no trespassing please, not safe then the guy took out a rope and said this is what we do to people that come one our property no wait we mean you no harm but the two made a lasso and threw the rope around both of them lets us go we will never brother you a again but they told then first we must show you what happened to people that come where they are not wanted the two never remove the hoods from their heads and we never saw a face now how did they see thought that thick hood on their heads but somehow they did and we went into this other room with the door close and we both hollered out this is why we saw no people they had all of them in Sackel and locked to the wall on a wood rail some were crying they were dirty and the smell was horrible they were frail look like they hadn’t eaten in weeks just bottle of dirty water they had to drink then one of the guys said to us we might let you go but don’t worry if you tell somebody about this we will find you and bring you back her to live with the rest of these people at this point (Flager) and (Natlie) knew they were something from another planet but where? there whole bodies were cover in this thick long hoodie like you could not see no finger on their hands no arms or legs everything was completely covered they talk real whisper like soft voice like a box was inside of them or something strange but now all me and (Nataline) wanted was to be able to get away from them and leave this area as fast as we could but my heart was sinking fast for these people that were being treated like animals starving and no one even knew or bothered to look for them can we please leave and never to bother you again? than one of them said we must talk to our master first see what he says if its ok then they both left and course we were tied together so we couldn’t go anywhere anyway (Nataline) was crying and I felt like crying right alone with her but I had to stay strong if we were to get out of here at all then we heard footsteps coming back when they walk in to our surprise one of them had took there covering off their head and said well this should teach you both a lesson from now on pay attention to the sign you read and do what it says now this person that took off the hoodie was not a person at all no face parts just plan round head no eyes no mouth stranger but the head was shape like a human then he said you better be glad we are having a good day we just had a feast and I didn’t ask no question? because at this point I really didn’t want to know what they feast on you two can go we will walk you out of here remember never return (Nataline ) said did you hear what they said (Flager)? yes I did but what about those people we have to get them help from somewhere we have to notified the authority or someone to help them I know but what are we going to do if they come after us ? we will have to do what we can to protect ourselves and no more camping out in unknown area,

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