Is Finder Always Keeper?

Just the kind of weather you might want to go for a stroll down a country road where there was Hardley no traffic

a couple walking on the street

IT was a nice sunny day the weather was nice no rain just the kind of weather you might want to go for stroll down the country road where there is Hardley no traffic if any at all for hours it was so nice and peaceful you could hear the birds chirping and see all kinds of little creatures running across the road from rabbit to squirrel and even snakes something you might not want to see but they were harmless they call them garners snakes we decided to move out here just over the hill and we made our minds ups years ago this was going to be where we stay so we planted ourselves right out in the country living around our house we lots of trees and they were not just any old tree they bear fruit some were apples and pears trees and we also had a lots of grape vine since we made our own wine and all the neighborhood stores always had an order in ahead of time to make sure we didn’t forget them and we didn’t so one day (Norman) said to me (Allegra) lets go take a walk down the road and we could take our little cart in case we stop by the market yes replied (Allegra) yes because there is always some things I might see I want our little fold up cart was so easy to take we just folded it up and away we went (Norman) had said weeks ago we needed to walk more to keep ourselves healthy so we thought that was a good idea as we walk (Norman started to kick some rocks and then he laugh and said what does this remind you of (Allegra)? back in the day when we were younger and always in the wilderness climbing trees and you chasing me around the trees and tossing a few apples at me from time to time never hitting me just keeping me one my toes as we ran thought the woods you chasing me with a Cala Pilar or something to make me scream than telling me you were sorry same time laughing your head off but didn’t we have so much fun ? yes we did and look we are still together years later having more fun than we both laugh and said we better take these walks more often why is that (Norman)? because its brings out the best in me we haven’t laugh like this in year no we haven’t replied (Allegra) so we just kept walking and talking all of a sudden, I spotted an old bag look almost like a pillowcase or old sack what is (Norman)? I don’t know but you stay back and let me see it seem to have a couple of knots in the top let take it home we need to put this in our little carry on this thing is sort of heavy what do you think on the inside (Norman)? well really I have no idea look like it’s been here for a while it’s pretty dirty that was the problem why no one stop for it they thought someone threw out a bag of trash or something and who knows it just might be so we took it home and threw down on an old blanket near the fireplace just in case and we slowly cut the top pass the knot to my surprise it had 100 dollars bills seal in plastic bags and gold bars small one all different size what in the world is this? (Allegra) I don’t know? (Norman) replied but we better call someone and see if this belongs to someone so they did, and the authorities came and check it over and told them no one has reported anything like this missing this may have been there for a very long time over in that ditch on the side of the road well as far as we know looks like finder are keeper in this case looks likes you two have walk upon your riches now whatever you do with all this fortune is your business we have waited 7 days no one has come forward so you are the owner now well (Norman) and (Allegra) said if they ever got any extra money they wanted to help the children orphan and of course the shelter in their area, they were like by just about everyone in the neighborhood always helping someone all the time with money or food, so this was their blessing in return Are finder always keeper?

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