Mac The Family Wonder Pet,

Warner and his wife Helina were so happy about the children choice they just knew it would be a dog and nobody would want to take care of it especially a puppy,

green parrot on person s hand

Yes everybody in the family wanted a pet so we all agree on something simple to take care of (Warner) and his wife (Helina) was so happy about the children choice they just knew it would be a dog and nobody would want to take care of it especially a puppy the training and taking out for potty breaks so all the children say they would rather have a parrot it would be easy to take care now (Kyle) was the oldest and always busy with his sports and his two sister (Hidi) and (Mendy) well they were into things at school also and of course both parents work so everybody had something they were tied to but everybody knew they still had there every day chores around the house to do after school and so the week started everything was going the way it was expected to then (Kyle) told his father we need to teach this bird how to talk in our spare time now this was fine as long as it didn’t interfere with school or after school chores well when the two girls heard about this they were jumping for joy yes this will be so cool they said then the mother said children are you sure this is what you want? because this bird learning how to talk might be a problem for the house then (Warner) there father said how so sweetheart? then she went on to tell them about a friend of hers that had a talking bird that tore the family apart in the matter of weeks but just telling everything they did around the house well the children said we won’t have that problem if you say so then carry on the mother said good luck why do you say it like that? because you’re going to need it and a few months later the bird was learning a few words by the teaching of the children they started off with something small like food and they wanted him to say things like cookie candy of course cracker and he was coming right alone with this new training of his everybody laugh at the way he say the words just getting them together well as time went on and the family was in about 6 months training it was all good the (Warner) Family was happy laughing and saying how glad they were with their choice of pet until one day it started Father had told (Kyle) to cut the grass and take out the garbage before he go to practice football with his friends and he said now do this because you haven’t cut the grass in a week and its getting pretty long so off (Warner) went to work and (Kyle) must have thought father was going to be so tired when he got home he would forget well that’s when their best friend(Mac) started to really talk now what the children didn’t know this bird already knew how to talk this is why he was at the pet store again but he listen and learn words pretend as if he couldn’t say a word they never knew this parrot already knew how to talk, so he told father did you see the yard when you drove in? (Warner) said you talk more than ever and then he went on to tell the mother go look at the girl’s room they didn’t clean like you told them to so (Kyle) figure since that day was Friday and his father would be getting home late it would be dark so he get up the next day and do it before he got up only it didn’t work out so good the wonder bird name (Mac) told all and father was mad and so was mother she told the girls I thought I said to clean your room before you went to friends house now the hold house was in a uproars and guess who was laughing (Mac) the parrot then Mom said I try to tell you all about what happened to my friend and her family after she got a talking parrot everybody wanted to put hands on poor (Mac) (Kyle) was telling father how sorry he was and the girls was trying to explain to their mother they forgot until the parrot (Mac) said punish them all then everyone stop and look at each other how did he learn so many words ? well what they didn’t know this is the reason someone brought (Mac) to the pet store and sold him he already knew how to talk but when people were around he wouldn’t say a word until they took him home for a few months he let it all out then everybody said let’s take him back and get a dog we will take care of him the father said with a laugh are you sure you don’t want to take the easy way out as you all said the bird will be so easy to take care of but instead he was a handful the family pet,

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