Pink walking machine,

The project that took years to complete was finally up and running ,and this was the best news (AL) wanted to hear he had work on this pink machine a very long time trying to put it together and what he wanted to do was take it around to the children hospitals and make enough and donate them and he knew he need to start making different colors maybe blue and some green one but for now all he had was pink and (AL) knew this took a lot of his own money that he had invested in this project and that’s was ok because he had the money, But all his friends told him you are crazy for donating this pink walking machine when you could make million you could put it in the stores across the nation it would sell his friend (Wallace) told him you should do it, then (AL) replied I didn’t do this for the money I did it for putting a smile on the face of the little sick kids in hospitals all over, Man you are giving away money just like that his friend (Wallace) said but remember this (AL) replied everybody don’t always make a project like this for making money my mind was made up before the project was ever made so Iam not going to change it now no way and to see, Those children smile and laugh would be enough for me to feel like a millionaire that’s all I need this was my vision and now it will take place the pink walking machine,

cute android walking in front of a graffiti wall

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